National Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes Congress (UPEK 2023)

The 27th National Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes Congress (UPEK 2023), held from May 2 to May 7, 2023, in Antalya, Turkey, served as a vital platform for pediatric endocrinologists, diabetes specialists, and other healthcare professionals to gather and discuss recent advancements and developments in the field. Organized by the Turkish Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes Society in collaboration with Marmara University, this congress represented the culmination of years of work by professionals dedicated to treating pediatric endocrinology disorders and diabetes. This annual event, marked by scientific rigor, networking opportunities, and professional development, is one of the key events in the medical calendar for Turkish endocrinologists and pediatricians. Visit

Background of UPEK Congress

The UPEK Congress, now in its 27th edition, was first established to address the growing demand for a specialized forum where pediatric endocrinologists and diabetes experts could share their knowledge and experience. Over the years, the congress has evolved to include multidisciplinary approaches, involving not just physicians but also scientists, dietitians, nurses, and other healthcare workers who contribute to the treatment and management of pediatric endocrine disorders.

The congress is more than just a gathering of professionals; it is a reflection of the latest scientific evidence in this specialized medical field. Topics typically discussed during the congress range from growth hormone disorders, obesity, diabetes, thyroid disorders, and adrenal gland issues, among others. What makes UPEK particularly important is its focus on children, addressing specific needs and challenges that differ from adult endocrinology.

UPEK 2023 Overview

UPEK 2023 was particularly significant for a few reasons. First, it marked the transition of the congress from its typical autumn schedule to spring. The event was organized at the Titanic Deluxe Hotel in Antalya, a well-known venue for international and national congresses, chosen for its accommodation facilities and conference amenities, ensuring a conducive environment for learning and interaction.

The congress was structured into multiple segments. From May 2-4, pre-congress courses were held, focusing on introductory and advanced topics in pediatric endocrinology. These courses allowed early-career endocrinologists, as well as established professionals, to deepen their knowledge through intensive discussions led by experts in the field. These sessions were key in preparing participants for the more in-depth scientific discussions that followed in the main congress.

From May 4-7, the primary congress sessions took place. During these sessions, participants had the opportunity to attend keynote lectures, panel discussions, and workshops on various topics. The program also included presentations of the latest research in pediatric endocrinology and diabetes, presented in the form of oral and poster presentations. The diversity in the format allowed for an inclusive exchange of ideas, catering to different preferences for learning and interaction.

Scientific Focus and Multidisciplinary Approach

One of the highlights of UPEK 2023 was its multidisciplinary approach. Pediatric endocrinology, by its nature, requires cooperation between various medical disciplines, as endocrine disorders often have complex etiologies and require multi-faceted treatments. This year, particular attention was given to topics that have traditionally been under-represented, such as rare genetic disorders affecting growth and metabolism, innovations in diabetes care, and psychological support for children with chronic endocrine conditions.

The congress also addressed the challenges faced by pediatric endocrinologists in the post-pandemic world. Many children and adolescents experienced disruptions in their healthcare during the COVID-19 pandemic, leading to delayed diagnoses and complications in the management of chronic conditions like Type 1 diabetes. UPEK 2023 provided a space for healthcare professionals to share strategies for managing these disruptions and to discuss the potential long-term impacts of the pandemic on pediatric patients.

Presentations at UPEK 2023 emphasized the importance of early diagnosis and evidence-based treatments in pediatric endocrinology. For instance, sessions on growth hormone therapy highlighted the advances in treatment protocols, allowing for more personalized approaches to children with growth disorders. Similarly, discussions on obesity and metabolic syndrome in children underscored the necessity of a comprehensive approach that includes not only medical treatment but also diet, exercise, and psychological support.

Advances in Pediatric Diabetes Management

Another key theme of UPEK 2023 was diabetes care, with a focus on innovations in the management of Type 1 diabetes in children. Recent advancements in insulin therapy, continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) devices, and closed-loop insulin delivery systems have revolutionized diabetes care, offering children with diabetes a better quality of life. UPEK 2023 provided a platform for sharing the latest data on these technologies and discussing their integration into routine clinical practice.

Presenters at UPEK 2023 also explored the psychosocial challenges that come with managing chronic conditions like diabetes in children. Sessions focused on helping healthcare professionals support not only the physical health of their patients but also their mental well-being. The role of families in diabetes management was also emphasized, with discussions on how to empower parents and caregivers to take an active role in their child’s care.

Poster and Oral Presentations: Showcasing Cutting-Edge Research

The scientific program of UPEK 2023 was enriched by the poster and oral presentations, where researchers and clinicians showcased their latest findings. These presentations are a hallmark of the UPEK Congress, providing an opportunity for young researchers and seasoned professionals alike to share their work and receive feedback from their peers. Topics ranged from genetic research in pediatric endocrinology to clinical trials investigating new treatments for diabetes and other endocrine disorders.

The congress organizers ensured that there was ample time for discussion and debate, allowing participants to engage with the research presented and explore its implications for clinical practice. For many attendees, the opportunity to present their work at UPEK is a highlight of the congress, and the feedback they receive can help shape future research projects.

Social and Networking Opportunities

Beyond the scientific program, UPEK 2023 provided ample opportunities for networking. Social events, including dinners and informal gatherings, allowed attendees to connect with colleagues from across Turkey and beyond. These interactions are often just as valuable as the formal sessions, as they provide a chance for participants to share experiences, exchange ideas, and build professional relationships that can lead to future collaborations.

The congress also recognized the contributions of leading figures in pediatric endocrinology, with awards given for outstanding research and service to the field. These awards are a testament to the dedication and hard work of healthcare professionals who have devoted their careers to improving the lives of children with endocrine disorders.


The 27th National Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes Congress (UPEK 2023) was a resounding success, bringing together professionals from across the healthcare spectrum to share their knowledge and expertise. With a focus on the latest scientific advancements and a commitment to multidisciplinary care, UPEK 2023 not only advanced the field of pediatric endocrinology but also provided a forum for networking and professional growth. The congress continues to play a crucial role in the ongoing efforts to improve the diagnosis and treatment of endocrine disorders in children, ultimately enhancing their quality of life.

As the congress continues to grow, it is expected that future editions will build on the success of UPEK 2023, furthering the mission of the Turkish Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes Society to advance care for children with endocrine and metabolic disorders.